An old Fashioned Wall-Tent 

Tonight, I am dreaming of a wall-tent nestled high in the snowy Nevada mountains, with a coal burning fire to dry our boots and some whiskey to warm our souls-these are the best days   

Tonight, I am dreaming of a wall-tent nestled high in the snowy Nevada mountains, with a coal burning fire to dry our boots and some whiskey to warm our souls-these are the best days   

Chukar Recipe: Chukar Stir-Fry

I LOVE this recipe. It is full of nice flavors and is super quick and easy! Got 30 minutes of less? This recipe is for you!!

Chukar Stir-Fry


6 Chukar breasts, cut into cubes

1 bag “steamfresh” veggies (I like broccoli, carrots, peas and cauliflower)

1 cup of white rice (cooked per package directions)

1 clove minced garlic

1 Tbsp. Olive oil or coconut oil

1 tsp.  rice vinegar

1 tsp. soy or Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. Salt and Pepper to taste

Sriracha to taste



In a large skillet, add oil, garlic and cubed Chukar breasts. Cook on low. In pot, cook rice according to package directions. After Chukar has browned on both sides, add rice vinegar, Worcestershire, Sriracha, and seasonings. Continue to cook on low. Steam veggies according to directions (they usually only take 5 minutes, so do this very last).

Mix rice, veggies and Chukar together in a bowl and serve with Sriracha (or favorite hot sauce). Enjoy!

A Chukar Hunting Synopsis 

The phrase “the first time is for fun, everytime after that is for revenge” is a common sentence amoung chukar hunters describing the experience to a non or soon to be chukar hunter. -Let me tell you the real description-

Chukar run uphill and fly down hill-makes sense right? -nope! But if they did the opposite, that would just be too easy.

Essentially what your going to experience during chukar hunting is the following: your legs will eventually (or right away) be screaming profanities at you, your lungs will be straining and feeling like a old/ over full balloon, your arms will become numb from carrying a gun for endless hours; and your brain will be asking itself “why are you doing this?” But you keep pushing-because ahead of you is a pointer, who just got birdy.

So you trek on; then all at once it happens- the dog goes on point. Now your holding your gun like a badass, your legs have become bionic and your lungs have quieted their threats of bleeding.

All this happens in an instant, and within seconds birds are in the air and shots are being fired. Many chukar hunters black out at this point (no, not because they finished the liquid in their flask) it’s the type of black out where you don’t even have to think about what your doing- it’s second nature. Your brain carries out the task subconsciously.

Why do it if you aren’t guaranteed success? -you may ask. Well, you do it not to feel all those things: tired legs, overworked lungs, numb fingers and arms, but you do it to feel them go away. Even if you don’t kill a single bird, you are still successful- if you get to feel that moment, you’re successful.

That my friend, is my description of chukar hunting.

Chukar Recipes: Chukar Alfredo

*When we cook Chukar, we always “Breast them out” or filet the breast meat off the cavity. This meat can be tough; we generally tenderize the meat before we cook it. It’s also important to not rush the cooking process, I’ve found the lower temperatures I cook the meat, the less gamey and tough it tastes.

Keep in mind a lot of gamey taste can depend on how quickly you field dress your animal (birds or large game) 

Chukar Alfredo 


1 pkg fettuccini noodles

Cook per package directions


6 filleted Chukar breasts cut into 1″ strips

1 tbsp olive oil

Salt, pepper and garlic salt to taste

Add olive oil to non-stick skillet, add in chukar meat, and seasonings cook on low until meat is cooked through. Place cooked Chukar on plate and set aside until sauce is done.

6 oz cream cheese

1 cup Grated Parmesan cheese

1-2 cups milk (depends on how thick you want your sauce)

2 tbsp minced garlic

1 tsp chili powder

1 tsp salt & pepper

In the non-stick skillet lightly brown garlic. Add in cream cheese and slowly melt; this may take up to 5 minutes. It is important to not burn it. 

Add Parmesan cheese, stir until melted. Add in milk, half a cup at a time. As sauce cooks it will thicken. Continue to add milk until desired thickness is reached.

Add in seasonings and cooked chukar.

Once heated throughly, serve on top of noodles. This recipe is great with a side of greens! This recipe feeds 2 with leftovers. 

Thanks for reading! Check in with us next week for our chukar stir-fry recipe.

Do you have a favorite upland game recipe? We’d love to hear it!